Hi Jane, AI is help and aid for me, but when it comes down to writing and communication, there is nothing like your own voice and editing. I use Grammarly and ProWritingAid to catch my spelling and grammatical mistakes. But only rely on them for suggestions that I consider before using. I am a bit dyslexic so they might be more valuable to me than others. Both programs are superb, and I recommend both, as one will pick up errors the other misses. I have both programs as extensions on my browser and Word, so they are at work whenever I'm working. They caught several errors in this reply, but my final read-through found something needing change. So there is no replacement for your final self-editing,

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I fully agree with your article. I spent some time yesterday reviewing the newest additions to the AI writing programs, just out of interest. Their only value, which is costly to the buyer, might be to an ad agency that loves to bombard potential consumers with marketing information as part of their funnel marketing strategies. For me, with some dyslexic difficulties, AI as Grammarly and ProWritingAid, have helped with grammar and spelling. These AI programs also educated me by over-learning and seeing the repeated mistakes I make.

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